2023Plastic: Not-Returnable2016-2019Adventures of a Drawing Boy
2013- A Gathering of His Personae
2013Six Protest Placards
2009-2012Relics of Prester John
2006She Taught Him How to Stay Inside the Lines
1997Isometric Drawings with Colour
1996Still Life of Still Life
1993Italian Journals and Drawing Lessons
1992Three Boats on a Beach
1991Directions for Knowing All Dark Things
1990-The Artist and Model
1989Lessons in Seeing
1986-1988Dreams of Knowing
1985-1986Thoughts Faster Than Light
1978Doctor Neroutsos’ Sailing Boat
1976Six Posters Promoting Canadian Literature
1974-1975The General Electric Works
1972-1974The Mystic Clouds
1970Designs for Pottery
1969Variations on a Mexican Dream
1969From the Design of British Honduras
c.1952-1967Early Work